Last update: September 25th, 2001.

GTR-UNNE Undertakes External Evaluation Missions in Central America

The successful completion of two international evaluation missions on optical route projects in Guatemala and the Dominican Republic in June-July 2001, stressed the interest from international institutions and agencies working in Central America and the Caribbean countries to include GTR-UNNE in similar further operations.

Since 1998, the group has cooperated in field surveys, strategic planning and specialized training in rural telecommunications in projects abroad. As a part of pilot area studies envisaged within the recently-completed ROCHA research plan (PI-420), GTR delivered expert assistance in engineering analysis, pre-feasibility assessment and technical recommendations for large national optical routes over high-voltage power lines in Central America. Specific tools, including long-run demand forecasting techniques for broadband transport services, developed for the ROCHA network proposal in the province of Chaco were appropriately customized for utilization in national optical routes in the region. During the 2001-2004 R&D plan, the group will continue to perform technical & economic analysis of broadband networks for rural areas, community telecentres and universal access as a part of its research and technology assistance responsibilities.

The First GTR-UNNE Paper Presented in Hong Kong

During almost a decade of work in different fields of rural telecommunications research, GTR-UNNE papers achieved success at their inclusion in important technical and academic fora in many countries, but it was just last July, 2001 when a submission was for the first time exposed within a scientific meeting held in Hong Kong (Republic of China). The contribution "A Stepwise Benchmarking Model for Evaluating Marginal Impact and Location Patterns in Universal Access Projects" authored by Darío M. Goussal and María Sandra Udrízar Lezcano was accepted by the Scientific Committee of the 6th. Asia-Pacific Regional Conference of the International Telecommunications Society (ITS-2001).

The conference was organized by the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, gathering over 120 participants that presented quality technical submissions. Unfortunately, presentation by GTR authors was ultimately not possible due to lack of private sponsorship enough to cover travel expenses, but the occasion was anyway good to reinforce traditionnal GTR ties with the Asia-Pacific scientific community. As a result, a number of inquiries about the theme addressed in this paper and about former GTR research was received via e-mail from participants of USA, Japan and the Pacific Rim.

Telecommunications World Day: Workshop on Globalization and Occupational Training

In commemoration of the World Telecommunications Day 2001, a 15-hour workshop intitled "Globalization and Occupational Training for Telecommunications" was organized by GTR-UNNE and the regional branch of the industry-leading union labor, FOEESITRA (Federacion de Obreros, Empleados y Especialistas de la Industria y los Servicios de las Telecomunicaciones de la República Argentina). The workshop, held at FOEESITRA headquarters in Resistencia on May 11 and May 17 included multimedia lectures by GTR research Coordinator Ing. Dario M. Goussal combined with group discussions. Around 25 participants came from large telcos, industry providers and small telephone cooperatives of the northeastern littoral region.

ROCHA Project: GTR Survey on Bandwidth Needs and Internet Connectivity

As a part of the Chaco Optical Route research project (ROCHA Project), a survey on Bandwidth Needs and Internet Connectivity will be carried out by GTR-UNNE in cities, villages and towns of the province of Chaco. The survey, tailored for prospective large and medium-capacity bandwidth users of both the public, private sectors and NGOs, aims at mapping and dimensioning the requirements for broadband connectivity in the interior & forecasting bandwidth demand in the next years. The ROCHA Project, which was originally devised by GTR-UNNE in 1995, entails the rollout of medium-haul, high-capacity optical trunks linking the main urban areas of the Northeast and Northwest regions within a strategic cross-country DWDM-CWDM bearer, suitable for multimedia services, distance learning, Internet and Intranet applications.

A new approach on the evaluation of MCT projects exposed at the ITS 2000 Conference

The latest contribution of GTR-UNNE to the XIII Biennial Conference of the International Telecommunications Society (ITS-2000), entails an alternative evaluation approach for large projects involving Multipurpose Community Telecentres (MCTs) or any domestic network devoted to public access to information-. The paper focuses on detailed comparison analysis of variables of the location pattern of CTCs (Centros Tecnologicos Comunitarios) -a public-funded network just implemented in Argentina and comprising some 1,400 community telecentres nationwide-. The study was performed by tracking out data of selected public access networks from the PAIA database, a newly-built resource available for current research at GTR, referred to the 3 critical dimensions of Universal Access initiatives: geographical coverage, distribution equitability and effective access affordability.

Mapping the nationīs universal access status: the new PAIA database

After long and hard work requiring extensive screening in thousands of listings, maps and directories, a new powerful tool has been built by GTR-UNNE: the Public Access to Information in Argentina database (PAIA). This is a large reference source containing location and details of libraries, FM broadcasting radios, community telecentres and other facilities devoted to public access to information, including their distribution in 3,058 populated areas nationwide. The database holds as well data on CATV providers, ISP points of presence (POP), tariff allocation zones & dial-up availability. Besides that, it has precise location coordinates and details for over 6,000 NGOs and other archives. The new source is suitable for Census mapping, location trend analysis and other cross-sectional studies on connectivity status and project evaluation currently developed by the group.

GTR at the UNESCO-ECOSOC Forum on Universal Access in New York

"An open and universal Information Society can only develop and subsist if it is based on basic policy principles understood by all. Universal access to the new information services and media is in many minds the most important of these principles, and is implicitly embodied in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights". The statement headed the background document of the International Panel on "Universal Access to Information and Informatics for Human Development" organized under the aegis of UNESCO at the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations (ECOSOC).

A special invitation from UNESCO in Paris to GTR member Darío Goussal -as one of the four expert panelllists- enabled his presentation on the issue of "Universal Access: Facilitating Access to Network and Services". In the forum chaired by Philippe Quéau, Director of the Information and Informatics Division of the organization headquartered in France, Ambassador Makarim Wibisono, President of the Economic and Social Council inaugurated the specialized panel. A number of ambassadors and official representatives of different countries gave rise to a highly interactive discussion, open to questions and proposals.

The meeting, developed in connection with the high-level segment of the ECOSOC 2000 on the theme "Development and International Cooperation in the 21st. Century: the Role of Information Technology in the Context of a Knowledge-based Global Economy" took place in New York on May 10th. 2000. A summary of the presentations is currently available at the United Nations-Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) website, including remarks by panellists Elizabeth Longworth, Tauk-Sup Auh, Simon Davies and Darío Goussal. UNESCO has compiled the video (webcast) version, which can be downloaded from the UNESCO-WEBWORLD site.

Broadband Rural Networks: a contribution to PTC 2000 Conference in Hawaii

A paper entitled "Broadband Networks in Rural Areas: Engineering Options and Policy Implications of the Bandwidth Flooding Criterion" written by Darío M. Goussal and María Sandra Udrízar Lezcano was successfully presented at the XXII Annual Pacific Telecommunications Conference (PTC2000), held in Honolulu, Hawaii (USA) on January 30st- February 3rd., 2000. The report proposed a new engineering planning strategy for broadband optical networks ("Bandwidth Flooding"), which enables intermediate villages and towns to access to nearby DWDM terrestrial transmission routes crossing the rural area, yet without affecting the long-run overall feasibility profile of the optical route. Such technical proposal is currently studied at GTR as a part of the current PI-420 Research Project "Implantation Analysis of the Chaco Optical Route (ROCHA Project)". This is the 5th. research paper presented by GTR-UNNE and accepted by the Pacific Telecommunications Council (PTC), since the first time in 1995 when the Group pioneered R&D presentations from Argentina in this traditional, highly-recognized academic forum, yearly attended by over 1,500 delegates from 50+ countries. GTR is proud as well to have had the chance to participate in the Conference thanks to a kind invitation from the PTC Committee and a sponsorship offered by REDCOM Laboratories, Inc. (USA), NEC International Inc. (Japan) and FOEESITRA (Argentina).

Successful ITU-ITC Joint Seminar in Damascus, Syria

The recent International ITU-ITC Joint Seminar on Teletraffic Engineering held in Damascus, Syria (November, 7th to 12th , 1999) which included a couple of sessions devoted to Integrated Rural Development focusing the theme: " "new cost-effective systems that provide means of offering a wide range of services to rural areas-e.g. use of multipurpose community telecenters" was undoubtedly a successful experience. The meeting, jointly organized by the International Teletraffic Congress-Committee 3 (ITC) and the Bureau of Development of the International Telecommunications Union (ITU-BDT) was hosted by the telecommunications authority of Syria, Syrian Telecommunication Establishment, and benefited from the sponsorship of the Arab League and the local branch of Ericsson Ltd. In this Seminar, Eng. Darío Goussal from GTR-UNNE (Argentina) was appointed by the organizing institutions as a session leader and responsible for the coordination and paper reviewing of the IRD Sessions and workshops, acting as well as invited speaker in the presentation of a recent GTRīs paper "Basic Rural Community Telecentres (Type-0 Telecentres)". The sessions, held in English and Arabic languages, with simultaneous interpretation addressed the following issues:

International ITU-ITC Joint Seminar on Teletraffic Engineering-Damascus (Syria).

Lynne Gallagher from TTI (EE.UU.) during the presentation of her paper on Integrated Rural Development and Community Telecentres.

Darío Goussal from UNNE- School of Engineering, ITU-ITC invited speaker and chairperson for sessions 7-1 and 7-2 of the International Joint Seminar

A proposal on Basic Rural Telecentres from GTR presented to ITU-SG2 in Geneve

Continuating the widespreading of current research on new rural community telecentre models (Type-0 telecentres), GTR submitted a document proposal on this issue to the International Telecommunications Union- Development Sector (ITU-D), on the occassion of the Second Meeting of the Study Group 2 (BDT-SG2), held at ITU headquarters in Geneve, Switzerland last September. The GTR contribution, based on the findings of field work carried out in 1998 in Suriname, was introduced to this technical forum by Dr. Lars Engvall- Senior Member, BDT-SG2 and President of CTSC International (Nice, France).

University survey encompasses distance learning technologies

Since June-1999 the Rural Telecommunications Group is carrying out a Preliminary Survey on Distance Learning Technologies for Universities, within research studies in the project: "Deployment analysis for the Province of Chaco Optical Route (ROCHA project)", one of the current groupīs research initiatives. Survey operations to date targeted UNNE schools at Resistencia, Roque Saenz Peña and Corrientes, and will likely resume early in the next academic term. The fully annonymus opinion pool tries to figure out needs and driving motivations of both teachers and students facing the likable introduction of advanced distance learning technologies at university premises, including broadband interactive transmission devices, and transmission media for virtual classrooms/ virtual campuses located at remote villages.

Type-0 rural telecentres: GTR submission presented at the 16th. International Teletraffic Congress in Scotland

Field studies performed by GTR in 1998 in Suriname, as a part of an evaluation mission on ITUīs rural telecentres pilot project in this country led to the formulation of a new rural community telecentre model (Type-0 telecentres). In such a model, both the physical infrastructure, the services provided and the up-front investment are reduced to a minimum in order to effectively match the needs of low-income and isolated regions. A first GTR paper on this issue was exposed last June 7-11st at the International Teletraffic Congresss (ITC-16) held in Edimburgh, Scotland. The paper from GTR was presented in Scotland by Dr. Lars Engvall, president of CTSC International -a non-government organization headquartered in Nice, France-. Dr. Engvall, a well-known senior expert in community telecentres is also member of of ITU-Dīs Study Group 2 and chairman of ITC-Committee 3.

GTR Briefing Seminar in Commemoration of Telecommunications World Day

A GTR Briefing Seminar in commemoration of the Telecommunications World Day was held last May 17th, 1999 at UNNEīs School of Engineering in Resistencia. The School also celebrated the 10th. Anniversary of the completion of the UNNE-IMC-OAS Rural Telephony Program, successfully carried out in Mexico in 1988-1989 and sponsored by the Organization of American States. The conferences addressed current research projects developed by GTR, as well as technical and institutional news on extension, technology transfer and international cooperation activities performed by the Group. The Seminar succeeded at gathering almost a hundred participants from different institutions and private companies, university & technical high-school students, teachers and personnel from operators and cooperatives in the NEA provinces.

The meeting also benefited from outstanding contributions by guest presenters from Hewlett Packard Argentina S.A. and FECOTEL (Telephone cooperatives federation), specially invited to this occasion by GTR-UNNE. The Seminar addressed the following issues:

Seeking funding for ongoing research: the ROCHA project

The Rural Telecommunications Group is seeking external funding for ongoing activities of the newly approved R&D initiative, the Chaco Optical Route (ROCHA project). Within this program, a number of forecasting techniques and database operations will enlighten the conditions of deployment for a prototyping high-capacity, 300-Km terrestrial optical backbone crossing rural areas of northern Argentina. Devoted primarily to link university campuses and other important sources of multimedia and broadband services, the Chaco Optical Route is also envisaged as a key proposal to study on the foreseeable impact of the introduction of ample, low cost broadband services in rural areas ("bandwidth flooding"). GTR has also planned detailed field surveys and data gathering in the proposed pilot area and abroad, in order to keep track of the outcomes of foreign distance education facilities using 2-way real-time video and other broadband services. The workplan of the ROCHA project (UNNE code: PI - 420) will last to july, 2001.

GTR paper about Inverse Cross-Subsidization presented in USA

The paper intitled: "Inverse Cross-Subsidization (Rural-Urban): Paradox and Evidence" (authored by Darío M. Goussal and María Sandra Udrízar Lezcano) was successfully presented last January 17-21 in Honolulu, USA during the 21st. Annual Pacific Telecommunications Conference (PTC-99).

The submission encompasses an analysis of Inverse Cross-Subsidization, a less-known phenomenon of rural-urban imbalances affecting telecommunications networks, with refence to a case study in Argentina in the 1980s. The presentation was possible thanks to a kind invitation extended to the authors by the Pacific Telecommunications Council (PTC) and the attendance support fund from the outstanding sponsoring organizations: NEC Corporation, PTC Japan Committee and Redcom Laboratories, Inc., More information and details on the full program of PTC-99 "Broadening Access to Information" is available at the PTC website *

Statement by GTR at 1st. National Public Hearing on Universal Service in Posadas, Argentina

As a part of the groupīs commitment in the study and promotion of strategical issues of rural telecommunications in Argentina, a statement on the matter of Universal Service proposed rulemaking was released last December, 22nd. in Posadas, during the First National Public Hearing released by Secretaría de Comunicaciones de la Nación (SECOM). A full version of the statement on Universal Service presented by Dario M. Goussal (in Spanish) is already available here.

Success of ITUīs Seminar on Multipurpose Community Telecentres at Budapest, Hungary

The Bureau of Development of the International Telecommunications Union (ITU-D) (in partnership with UNESCO, Hungarian Telecottage Association, and Community TeleService Centres (CTSC International) achieved full success in the organization and rollout of the International Seminar "The Role of Multipurpose Community Telecentres in fostering Universal Access and Rural Development" held in Budapest, Hungary 7-9 December, 1998.

Participants coming from 5 continents met with hungarian delegates to examine important issues related to the present and future of Multipurpose Community Telecentres, as recommended in the 1998 Valleta Action Plan. The meeting, which was also webcasted via the Internet, enabled the exposure of useful experiences, productive discussions and insights, finally synthesized within a "10-Commandments" draft proposal. The Hungarian Telecottage Association presented the video "Our Telecottages", the word of key witnesses of this powerful telecottage movement

As a contribution to the goals of this Seminar and to ITU-Dīs Integrated Rural Development Program, a technical report from GTR-UNNE ("Rural Telecentres: Impact-Driven Design and Bottom-up Feasibility Criterion") was presented as well in this forum. The submission (by Darío M. Goussal) addresses impact evaluation issues and suggests a new approach to undertake the design of MCTs in rural areas.*

A report from GTR on Engineering Policy and Transdisciplinary Research

A submission on the current roles of Engineering in transdisplinary research (by Darío M. Goussal) was exposed last December, 7-11th. during the IV Congreso Nacional de Políticas de la Ingeniería - 4th. National Congress on Engineering Policies- held in Buenos Aires, Argentina at Centro Argentino de Ingenieros (CAI). The paper, which was discussed within the Science and Technology Commission by GTR member Eng. Sandra Udrízar Lezcano on behalf of the author, encompasses a revisionist plea on elements of the relationship between Engineering science and R&D projects, regarding to both traditional and alternative policies historically undertaken by different countries and the developing world. Free copies of the report are already available upon e-mail request.

GTR and the V Public Libraries and Communities Conference (London, UK)

Thanks to a kind invitation of the Community Development Foundation (CDF), Eng. Dario Goussal from GTR enjoyed the opportunity to assist to the V Public Libraries and Communities Conference, held in London on December 1st, 1998. It was discussed there the role of the public libraries in helping to create and strengthen local online communities. UK boasts a strong community movement involving public libraries and over 200 telecottages and community telecentres, most of them in small or rural communities. The meeting, chaired by Tim Owen, Policy Advisor to the Library and Information Commission and coordinated by Kevin Harris and Cheryl Roberts from CDF, became a key forum to develop ideas about community development initiatives and enabled fruitful exchange of research experiences envisaged as suitable for rural areas in Argentina and the MERCOSUR countries.*   

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